I recently taught back-to-back Hatha & Yin classes at South Granville YYoga for 3 weeks in a row. Through the 6 classes, I explored different categories from a Vision Book project. My friend Heidi Fitzpatrick, a local massage therapist, shared this project with me, and as promised, I am sharing it with you!
Vision Book Project
Journal about and write goals for the six categories below:
1) Health & Wellness
2) Social & Cultural
3) Financial & Career
4) Education & Mental
5) Home & Family
6) Spiritual & Ethical
Write the goals in the positive (articulate what you want rather than what you don’t) and in complete detail (for example, instead of “a new home”, specify “a 2-bedroom condo, on Main Street, with a balcony and garden, etc.). Write goals that really allow you to visualize what you want to move towards. You want to give the subconscious mind a detailed set of instructions to work on.
Answer these questions:
1) How do these goals reflect your values?
2) Do your values come through in some areas and not others?
Gather items to create your Vision Book – the book itself, crayons, markers, paint, words and images from magazines and newspapers, drawings, etc.
Focus the Vision. This step is about heart-centred discrimination, selectivity, and choice making. You’ll likely gather a mass of stuff to create your book. Ask the question of each image, word or phrase: Does this express my innermost wishes, my values, and my heart? Only use it for your book if the answer is yes.
Compose the design of images and pictures (keep words off until Step 7). Assemble them on the pages without glueing them yet.
Create! Go ahead and glue, draw and paint images, etc. The project doesn’t need to look any specific way – make it your own!
Articulate the vision. In Visioning, it isn’t quite enough to simply make a collage of images – you want to gain deeper insight. Stepping back and looking at all the images and pictures after they’re compiled can be like reading poetry or deciphering symbols; you might see all kinds of things you didn’t notice before! Sit back, reflect on the images you’ve compiled, and contemplate: What does it say? Any surprises? Any resistance?
One question to avoid is: How am I going to make this happen? Anxiety and fear block creative energy. Allow the dreams to materialize. Journal writing activities can be used here for further clarification.
Reinforce the vision/dream. As with verbal affirmations, the vision book establishes and reinforces a desired goal or experience. Add the words in or phrases.
Step back and review and reflect again answering these questions:
1) What visual elements did you choose and how do they reflect your goals?
2) Which image stands out the most to you and why?
3) How are the patterns and themes of images in connection of each other?
4) Anything new or different meaning to you now from what you intended?
5) What has changed for you after spending time focusing on your goals?